Let's say that greeting cards are sold on my e-commerce site, queries will most likely emerge that include the terms "birthday" or "Christmas". If my site didn't already have landing pages or dedicated categories it probably makes sense to create them. Search redirects. I instruct the internal search engine to interpret synonyms, variants and typing errors so that they redirect the user to the content he is interested in. I can do the same operation by pointing to the new landing pages I created. Navigation and UX review. The data could suggest deficiencies in the site's information architecture or at least possible areas for intervention. Changing the navigation of a site is almost never a small task but it is important not to preclude this possibility because it can make the difference. Refinement of the SEO strategy. The analysis of searches on the site provides extremely useful data to improve your positioning on engines such as Google or Bing.
Even by simply cross-referencing the queries that generated traffic to the site data available on photo retouching Google Search Console and the internal queries, I can get a much more precise idea of the real intentions that move users. In this way I am able to refine the SEO strategy I am applying to improve its performance. my-checklist My checklist I leave you another reading tip some slides created by Linda Caplinger - Global Search Marketing for NVIDIA - in which she talks about iSEO Internal Search Engine Optimization . And this is broadly how I usually analyze and manage search terms on a site. What do you think.

I would be happy to know if you have ever done a similar activity, with what results or if you have a different method than mine. The theme of this workshop? Applications for the sales network as a tool for achieving company objectives, with their own challenges in implementation, the many opportunities for the commercial and consultancy network and as a resource for marketing. Stefano-Folegati-AND-EMILI Stefano Foregate AND EMILI Sharing knowledge.