In accordance with the Common Customs Tariff (CCT). What are Slovak consumers like? In the purchasing process of Slovak consumers, the price remains an important factor in the purchasing process. However, there is a growing interest in buying high-quality products, which is a consequence of the increase in personal income. Slovak consumers are increasingly aware of the composition of products (content of artificial ingredients and dyes) and the origin of products (local, EU, foreign), as they pay more and more attention to a healthy lifestyle and patriotism.
Based on fair trade. What tools do Slovaks use to buy online? According to, when it comes to preferred devices, 90% of online shoppers make purchases using desktop computers, 4% do so using smartphones and 3% use tablets.Shop in the Czech photo editor Republic - how to enter the market? March 1, 2023 Customer acquisition Polish entrepreneurs more and more often decide to go abroad with their business activity, and one of the countries to which they most often direct their steps is the Czech Republic. What tempts them.

First of all, the large market potential of our neighbor from across the Olza, as well as favorable regulations and a simple tax system. What exactly are the business conditions there? How to set up a company in the Czech Republic? And finally, what to pay attention to in order to avoid problematic situations when running a shop in the Czech Republic? We check! Polish element on the Czech market How much does it cost to run a business in the Czech Republic? How to start a company in the Czech Republic - step by step E-commerce potential.