We dialed up Beijing Electric Power Grid Beijing Diani to shed some light on the situation. So first of all, what is this upgrade about? According to Beijing Electric Power Grid, it's simply aimed at improving operations in the electrical marketing department. Once it's all done and dusted on upgrades for the time being. There's no need for alarm if you've got enough electricity to ride out the weeklong maintenance period. For those whose supply is running a bit low, they reassured us that there's ample time to purchase electricity before Dec . So, there's no need to rush into a frenzy of panic buying.
What about the risk of a blackout for those running on an electricity shoestring? Can they photo editing servies expect to be plunged into darkness? Not at all, they explained. Even if you exhaust your supply during the upgrade, you won't experience a power cut. However, they did advise those running low to buy electricity in advance. That's because, as of am sharp on Dec , any unpaid electricity bills could trigger a power outage.

To sidestep a post upgrade rush of electricity buyers, it's best to make your purchase ahead of time. This advice is particularly pertinent for residents with electric heating, as these systems are known to be energy intensive. There's another thing to bear in mind during the upgrade account cancelations will be put on hold. If you're planning a move and hoping to close your account in this period.