Moreover, this contract is the most common form of establishing an employment relationship. IMPORTANT - an employee has the option of concluding two independent employment contracts, either with the same employer or with two different ones. You can . Among the types of employment contracts, the legislator in Art. of the Labor Code distinguished the following contracts, .: for a probation period; for an indefinite period; for a limited period.
It should be noted here that the parties to the employment relationship employee and employer do not have philippines photo editor full freedom in choosing the type of employment contract. Actually, in relation to all types of employment contracts, there are certain restrictions in this respect, for example in Art. of the Labor Code states that an employment contract for a trial period not exceeding months is concluded in order to check the employee's qualifications and employability to perform a specific type of work.

However, the greatest freedom concerns an indefinite-term contract, which can be used as the basis for any employee employment. IMPORTANT - the main employment contract may be preceded by the conclusion of a preliminary employment contract, which should specify at least the essential provisions of the final contract the absence of any of the above elements may invalidate the preliminary contract . In turn, the main elements of an employment contract are the parties' declarations of will.