Use Search Filters In this example we will use a . K account search with fitlers. split sales navigator account search To split Sales Navigator account searches you can use: Company Headcount Headquarter Location Industry Number of Followers Company Headcount Growth In this case, there is a simple way to split the search as the “Number of Followers” perfectly split the search perfectly. Most of the time that will work with small searches. splt account searches followers For larger you can use the “Company Headcount Growth” filter that will always allow you to split the search no matter the size.
For example here we can split like this: All the companies with Web Design and Development Service a negative growth rate (- % to ) All the companies within - % All the companies above % ( % to %) split department headcount growth If your list is really large you simply need to split into smaller chunks. . Use Account Lists You can also split your account searches by creating Account list. The process is simple. First you add all the available search into an account list. You can add up to account to a list so that’s almost perfect. create sales navigator account list.
Then exclude the list from your search results using Account Lists > Your List > Exclude. exclude account list from search results Then build a new list of accounts. Repeat the process until it remains less than accounts in your search results. stop spliting sales navigator This process is efficient but a bit painful as you need to manually add all the account in lists per . Unfortunately there is no way to add accounts in a list in one click yet. learn more about how to get the most out of linkedin sales navigator, you can take a look at this video: How useful was this post.