Important factors that determine results in Google searches
As you have seen, there are criteria that cannot be forgotten if your website wants to appear on Google. Know some factors:Search intent behind the queryTo display good results, Google deciphers the purpose of the query. Thus, the words typed in the search engine indicate the content that the user is looking for and Google recognizes what was typed.
The system connects words to the user's intention , displaying the appropriate content for what they are looking for.
Content relevanceGoogle's algorithm analyzes content to assess whether the data is relevant to what the user is Italy Phone Number List looking for. Keywords are a great signal (in the header, title, body text, etc.), as well as the usefulness and veracity of the information.
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Content qualityGoogle prioritizes the most useful content that shows expertise, authority, and trustworthiness . Therefore, it observes whether other sites reference your content (link building) and what references your texts have. This quality assessment occurs at all times.
Page usabilityGoogle's algorithm considers content usability . The most accessible content starts to have the best performance, depending on the user experience on the page, the responsiveness, navigability and speed of the site.
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ContextA user's location, search history, and search settings help Google show the most useful results. After all, if the user searches for “restaurants”, the most relevant content will be in their location.